From the category: journal

18 April 2023

life update
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Lamak gila dah sik bukak blog tok. Kamek rasa mun blog tok sebuah rumah, confirm dah jadi salah satu property yang berhantu. Life has been good lately (ada juak yang not good but i choose to be blind and deaf about it hehe). Banyak yang mok diceritakan thus why im back here. Harap idea penulisan ya sentiasa ada jak lah. Lelah juak mun mala kenak writer's block. Padahal bukan cerita rekaan tapi susahnya mok polah ayat rasa macam jawab kertas spm jak heheh.

I'm going to update about my travel journey to Jogjakarta and Surabaya, my personal growth progress, books I've finished reading, my thoughts about uncertainty and other things which i ada update the quick version on instagram, about what's going on with my life (i ada kenak scam abam pulis uolls) and everything that I could remember. Banyak juak yang mok di share dalam blog yet i don't know why i couldn't make it until here. 

I am writing this while listening to lofi playlist and its already midnight. A new day has started. Raya is just around the corner. And its already mid-april. Phew lajunya masa. I gotta fill my days with more good things, more positive things, and just everything good. Though I know its impossible to be happy and feel good all the time, but its not a crime to try my best kan. Sikkan lah mok sedih ajak. Boringnya hidup. Sik dapat polah real outdoor activities, sik apa. Kita camping online, berbasikal online, mandik sungai online and so on hahah. This year I really wanna spend more time with nature and do more outdoor activities. Tapi sik ada geng. I need a new circle but how? Ada ka yang maok kawan dengan amateur macam saya tok? What a sad question!

It's okay. I will try to figure it out myself later. Jangan jak mood introvert datang balit. Bukan main jak semangat kelak dah diajak benar alu rasa menyesal. Biasaaaa diaaa. Tapi hakikatnya seketul introvert memang macam ya. But I'm trying to change myself at least lah to ambivert. Middle range homosapiens. Till here then. x

03 December 2022

I no longer want to correct people. Even though they might be right or wrong, I will not say anything and just gonna keep my mouth shut. I am hated for correcting people when I know they are doing something incorrectly. I have been told as someone who thinks I am perfect enough that I can fix their mistakes. That was absolutely not the truth and I never said that I am perfect. But just because I spit out the truth, I become the toxic person.

It makes me think again whether my action is toxic or if they are the ones who are toxic and refused to admit their mistakes. It reminds me of being gaslighted and that my words are being twisted and manipulated. Knowing that I might experience the same thing again and gonna trigger my trauma, I decided to leave the thoughts alone. I definitely not and don't want to be in the trap again.

I'm glad the Wednesday film is out and grateful that I spend my time watching it. I've learned something from the main character. Don't give a fuck about people and just do your things. Let them do whatever they want as long as they don't break into your privacy. Well, I think that is clever enough how to deal with humans. I also realized that talking to people like that actually won't affect them and I am just wasting my time trying to fix or correct others.

Rather than having a stupid argument and putting me in agony while the other side is being effortless, I might just do the same and ignore the ignorance. That's it. I hope I can be more resilient and adapt to my new character traits. I don't want to deal with humans anymore. I will just do me and let them do theirs. Enough.

22 January 2022

2022 new year

Can't believe it's already 2022. Another year, another older. Terasa macam cepat jak masa berlalu. Pejam celik dah tahun baru. I have no new year resolution this year cause I never accomplished much of my new year goal's list. I am just hoping for things to get better for me; for me to be able to heal, to fix myself, to be triple stronger than before, and to have healthy mental health and a piece of tranquility for my soul. I don't know if it's too much to ask for but that's the only thing I wish for right now. I am in need of a fresh start desperately. But I am kinda in an unstable state.

2021 has been such a pretty rough episode for me. I've been crushed by life real hard. I've been crying a lot again, I had panic attacks a few times, anxiety attacks most of the time, lost in space quite some time -- it's damn exhausting. Even if I try to distract myself from it, I just can't control that crazy adrenaline rush. People might say I'm too weak, too soft against myself, but only god knows how terrible I felt whenever I face that moment, only god knows how much I hate myself for not being able to pull myself out from that kind of situation. I start self-harming myself again. I even start to release my anger and disappointment by punching the wall till my hand turned red. Pretty fucked up, isn't it?

I am now living with endless suicidal thoughts and constant fear. I no longer do my favorite things. I have nothing to look forward to. I'm simply staying alive for the sake of living. Thus it makes me question myself, why do I still want to continue this life when I no longer have things I want to do?

Nampak sik kecelaruan otak yang sangat dasyat sekali? But, despite all that, I earn a lesson for life at the same time. I only need to be more positive and stronger so I can take the lesson to the heart and build myself back again. I need to fight the demon in me. Wish me luck. 

15 August 2021

Image by Angela Lo

I finally learned how to respect my feelings and boundaries. It has been a tough journey but now, knowing that caring about something worthless is really a waste of time and energy, I choose to completely ignore it. Some people often say that I am too sensitive and fragile and weak, so I unequip and get rid of my emphatic traits for them. I bet they have no idea how much it would affect my personality. Telling a person to be less sensitive means telling them to be heartless. The truth of excessive emotions means we all just feel a little too much and everything goes straight to our hearts. And logically, it's not our choice but it's naturally running in the vein.

Now that I am ruined and become total heartless, the feeling is quite a blessing, To turn myself into a winter cold person ain't that easy and it takes time. It's the same as when you try to move on from your ex-partner but keep on remembering your sweet moments together, or that you said you want to have a healthy lifestyle and wanting to lose some weight but still cannot throw away your bad eating habits! When you were being treated badly and someone disrespects your boundaries, stop giving them chances. You don't give them chances to appreciate you but you simply give them chances to rip your soul off. There's a fine line between patience and stupidity. Don't be stupid.

Some might argue that it's not a good thing to do. Like when they say, kalau orang berik bunga, kita berik bunga. Kalau orang berik kita taik, kita berik bunga juak. But it's just ridiculous. I'd rather give them nothing in return which is buat bodoh and distance myself. I'm being kind enough not to start a silly fight. Being heartless doesn't mean I'm turning myself into a bad person. But it means I am having enough and I no longer have the energy to deal with the toxicity or things that hurt me. x

20 July 2021

kristine wook

Image by Kristine Wook

Salam aidil adha. Due to this still-crazy pandemic, today hari raya can only be celebrated within family members. No cousins, no friends. But still feeling grateful for the small gathering and the meals! Now let's talk about my covid vaccine story cause this post is purposely created for that experience.

I am the last person in the family to get the vaccine shot and I am honestly anxious that my name is not being selected yet lol. When the AZ vaccine application was open for all Malaysian, we all tried our best to register our names. And my little sister, the first to get the vaccine is helping us out. But none of us were lucky as the application has been fully booked.

Even though we could not squeeze in our names, my siblings and my parents finally got their registration approved after a few days. So they all got their first AZ vaccine while I was still putting on the hope that I would get it. I kept on refreshing my MySejahtera and updating my profile yet nothing, no vaccine offer, no notification.

After a week or maybe two weeks, my friend told me to just walk into one of the vaccination facilities where her friend is working. She tried giving her my name for registration but unfortunately, it was fully booked too. Haih malang sungguh. Pun masih tak dapat. Then I got another text message from my friend asking for my personal details untuk diberikan kepada staff yang kerja dekat vaccination facility tu. And my stepmother also asking for my details to forward it to her friend yang ada kenalan di pusat vaksin tu jugak. I think the next day or perhaps after two days both of them asking me if I got a call for a vaccine shot or not. I jawab tak ada punnnn! 

But my stepmother's friend told me to just go to the vaccination facility that she mentioned cause my name has been registered. I was quite unsure since I got no phone call from them. Nanti tak pasal-pasal kena maki dan kena halau pulak. That time I was working and baju penuh tepung sebab seharian buat kuih and I got no time for a change so terus ke pusat vaksin. Bau peluh pun bau lah ~

By the time I reached there, tak ada banyak orang pun. I just walked in and follow instructions given by anggota rela yang berkerja disana. It's finally my turn! Akhirnya penantian yang ditunggu-tunggu. I've been given a pfizer vaccine and macam biasa since my family all got their AZ, silly thoughts came playing in my head. No offend but I'm kinda scared with the side effect lol. And the funny thing is I even imagined what if we will be separate based on what vaccine we got just like those in Divergent series. Scary!

Disebabkan i sorang dapat pfizer, they are all dengki with me lol. I honestly don't care what vaccine i got and i don't understand why comparing vaccine has become a big deal. Yang penting dapat vaksin kan. I will get my second dose next week and hope that everything will be fine. Dengar cerita second dose will be quite heavy. As for the first shot, I tak demam or tak ada rasa apa-apa. Just that tangan lenguh dan penat lepas kena cucuk.

So this is how I got my covid vaccine yeay. Moga kita semua dilindungi dan dijauhi dari penyakit bahaya macam covid ni. Stay safe and take care semua! x

28 June 2021

monday rave
Image by Augustine Wong

It supposed to be the last MCO for Malaysia today but sadly due to the number of cases that keeps on increasing, the government has decided to go for another two weeks mereput at home. I was waiting patiently for this day but never have I felt so disappointed with the announcement. Like what the heck, I've been staying at home, 24 hours entertaining my front-room neighbour yang sentiasa lapar and never recovered from their fungal infection, for a month, yet nothing changes? Not only me but everyone who works on a sector yang tak dibernarkan beroperasi during this MCO. Yang masih dapat kerja untunglah. Yang tak dapat kerja? Life has been quite stressful this day! I hope the government seek another solution rather than polah pkp yang sik pande habis tok. Mok pkp sampe kiamat kah apa.

We are all struggling now. Everyone is trying hard to make a living, to put foods on the table for the family, to feed and heal their pets, to pay debts whatsoever. Even yang cukup makan pun rasa macam tak cukup makan, kebingungan, apatah lagi mereka yang tak punya apa-apa. Aduhai. I pray that everyone affected by all this, including me, gonna stay strong to survive this absolute, utterly, inhuman pandemic.

To this date, I still didn't get my vaccination appointment yet. Ini baru namanya penantian satu penyiksaan. But at least both my parents have been vaccinated. To be honest, I am actually scared to get the vaccine at first but my sister was going crazy saying that the probability of me dying because of covid is rather higher than me getting the shots. Silly her. Well, I know, it's true. Oh, I am not an anti-vax, I am just that chicky-scared. Please pray for me that they will select my name soon!

How was your day? Have you got your vaccine yet?
00:29am · a letter to life. Theme by STS.