From the category: travel

27 April 2023

kuala kubu bharu selangor

I don't know what has gotten into me but I've been craving for some adrenaline-rush activities lately. Mungkin pembawaan umur dah nak masuk 30 kot hahaha. I didn't get a chance to do much of outdoor activities during my twenties so I guess it's not too late to start the adventure is it? It's only the beginning.

As soon we were back from Indonesia, my father decides to stay for three days in Kuala Lumpur before heading back to Sarawak. I was thinking about what kind of thing I could do in KL other than window shopping? Cause duh, it's obviously boring since I'm not a shopping person. Unless ada benda dicarik then I will go for mall-hopping. My heart is telling me to try tandem paragliding since I saw a lot of videos about that thing on TikTok. I did some research about how far is the place from KL, how much would it cost, and what things I need in order to be there and challenge myself.

So I asked my siblings, do they wanna join me for some adventure? Luckily they said yes. Mun sik  hurm berhuhu jaklah aku. If dekat I will definitely go alone but since it's too far I'm a bit scared to do it solo. Takut sesat ke tempat lain lol. I am afraid of heights and I am always scared to try new things. But this time, I'm proud of myself sebab berjaya overcoming my fears. *patting myself* Tandem paragliding is one of the most adventurous things I have ever done and I manage to secure it before I'm turning 30 hihi. Bucketlist checked!

The Booking Process

Before heading to KKB (Kuala Kubu Bharu), I already booked a slot for 5 pax at 1030am with pihak KKB Paragliding. The number is provided on their page and its easy to deal with them. Great service, no hassle at all. 

The Waiting Game

We arrived early at Taman Millenium and we have to wait a bit lama lah. Once all the certified pilot has come, everything is prepared, make bermulalah perjalanan ke atas bukit. Me and my cousin were so excited that we decide to jump over the truck and duduk di belakang, ignoring the scorching hot sun. Damn panas lit lit tapi demi secebis pengalaman, redah aje. Once in a lifetime kan. Rentung pun rentung lah. Sampai je dekat atas memang sah lah macam sakai. Photoshoot sana photoshoot sini sambil tunggu turn sebab ada another adrenaline junkie yang slot awal. I was damn excited and nervous at the same time. 

tandem paragliding

Flying In The Sky

My certified pilot is abang napi. I'm glad that I don't feel awkward with him walaupun hakikatnya pemalu nauzubillah. But I made it for real! It's a chilling activity actually. Kena lari sikit je sebelum terbang but the running process was quite funny. Nasib bait crocs amek sik tercabut hahah. Gliding over the beautiful view under the bright blue sky, it's priceless. Never did I feel regret daring myself to do this thing. Awalnya tenang ribut jiwa rupanya ada yang simpan dendam. I made a mistake asking abang napi to do the spin. He asked me, nak ke? And I freaking said yes! Sebab macam sik best lah kan rilek chilling macam ya ajak. So I dare myself for the spin. And that was a huge mistake!

No wonder lah the spin ni di buat time dah nak landing. I was screaming like there's no tomorrow when my certified pilot did the spin like he wanted to throw me off the ground from that ketinggian entah berapa meter entah. Of course it was fun but i terus pening and rasa mok muntah. Like seriously i feel like vomiting. I diam sekejap sebab if i talked, confirm uwekkk. And guess what he said after that? Hah ambik nak sangat spin kan. Rasalahhh. Fine can't blame him pun cause I request it myself. Padan muka.

tandem paragliding spin

My Verdict

I truly enjoyed the activity. It's worth the money, time and nyawa lol. Cause you never know when bad things can happen is it. But there's nothing to worry about since everything will be handled by the pilot themselves. We just need to follow the guide as per told, run don't jump, and just sit back and enjoy the view. Yang nak acah acah healing tu this activity tersangatlah sesuai. Ko buat buat lupa je ada pilot kat belakang haha. Healing lah engko sorang sorang.

Everything went smoothly. Will I repeat this tandem paragliding? Absolute yes cuma aku sikmaok request spin agik. Mok chill ajak. Jerak amek eh berpusing-pusing atas ya. One thing that I dislike is holding the gopro stick. Sumpah penat tangan nak menahan. Tapi demi sebuah memori di langit, maka terpaksalah kuat kan tangan no matter what.

Tandem Paragliding KKB Details

  • 1 - 2 pax (RM280 seorang)
  • 3 - 5 pax (RM260 seorang)
  • 6 pax and above (RM250 seorang)

*Flat rate on weekdays - RM25O

Package included:
  • Full equipment
  • Video during flight (GoPro)
  • Transportation to take off (4x4)
  • Internal protection coverage
  • Flight duration 5 - 10 mins (subject to weather)

More details boleh tengok dekat page mereka okay. Run bestie! Book your slot!

18 April 2023

obelix hills jogjakarta

This year I had the chance to visit Yogyakarta with my family and it was one of the best vacations for me because I did something for myself this time and it kinda amazed me. We had a hectic flight journey from Miri to Kuala Lumpur and continue Kuala Lumpur to Yogyakarta the next day. The flight to Yogyakarta took around 3 hours to arrive so I dozed off during the entire journey. Mengantuk plus my seat was in the middle jadi sik dapat maok ambik gambar awan berjuta igek. Mun sik nang penuh gambar awan jak dalam tepon. Padahal sama jak rupa semua. Pun mejal mok snap banyak kali.

The procedure for entering Indonesia is quite different now. Sebelum tok macam sik perlu jak mok declare family or how many people you are travel with, but now you have to do it once you arrived at the airport. The most important thing, like penting yang amat, you need to declare your mobile phone. Siktauklah declares ka apa but its called imei registration. You surely don't want to let this slip away unless you can afford international roaming. Read more about it here How To Register The Imei Mobile Phone In Indonesia.

Yogyakarta is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia and it seems quite famous among travelers sebab I often see people share their itinerary of this place and it looks amazing. Yogyakarta is basically a small town tapi padat dengan penduduk and it has many heritage buildings and monuments. Healing places pun banyak. Tinggal pilih jak mok ke sine. But most of the attractions are way way far from the city like if you wanna go this one place, it will take like one hour and more to arrive. So yeah, prepare all your things and don't leave anything behind.

Without further ado, I will share the places we visited while in Yogyakarta.

Borobudur Temple

candi borobudur

This temple is located in central java. I think dari tengah kota to this place took like almost 2 hours to arrive. It is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world and since benda tok quite jarang di tengok, so it becomes one of a must-visit place bila datang ke Yogyakarta.

Obelix Hills

obelix hills jogjakarta

I don't know why am I so excited about this place. The moment we arrived here, voila, the place is freaking wonderful. Owner tempat tok memang kreatif giler. Everything yang nampak pada mata kasar semuanya perfect. Tapi belakang tabir says sik pasti lah. Especially bila hujan like how fast can the staff run to save the bean cushion?! Obelix Hills is located at Dusun Klumprit, Wukiharjo, Prambanan, Sleman. Do come here in the evening and you will get such a superb nature view!

Gondola Pantai Timang

I saw people going here in TikTok so I suggest this place to my cousin yang polah our travel itinerary. Walaupun hanya sekadar pantai, but trust me its worth paying a visit to this place. You will be surprised betapa seronoknya perjalanan ke sitok. I love it walaupun sakit badan. This beach is a bit far and I will need another entry for a full story about our journey here.

Heha Ocean View & Heha Sky View

heha sky view jogjakarta

These two places basically have the same concept but it offers a different view and different vibes. As obvious as the name is, you will get the ocean view at HOV and the sky view at the HSV. I would recommend visiting it in the evening and getting the sunset view and extending your stay until night at Heha Sky View cause you will be able to see the night city light from there.

Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

keraton palaca

It's a sultan palace. It's one of the must-visit places when in Yogyakarta. But sadly we were not able to explore more of the palace sebab ada construction sedikit katanya. The staff there took us untuk tengok kereta-kereta diraja zaman dolok marek jak. And yes walaupun setakat ya ajak, but it's quite amazing to see all those thing.

We were there for five days and all that I've listed are the only places we visited. There are still more attractions in Yogyakarta tapi sik sempat mok cover semua. Maybe next time! I will write the long version of each journey in a different entry. Till here then! x

07 June 2022

pocheon art valley

It was my friend's idea to visit the Pocheon Art Valley. We have planned about it one day earlier, again, without any full information bout how to go there, which bus to ride, etc. We woke up around six in the morning, getting ready and feeling enthusiastic enough to start our journey out of Seoul. Pocheon Art Valley was actually an old abandoned rock quarry that has turned into a park where you can wander around and enjoy the breathtaking scenery from that place. It's a home devoted to art and culture and the greatness of nature. 

I barely can recall our journey but as far as I could remember, we took a bus somewhere from the heart of Seoul to this one place probably Myeongdong or Dongdaemun and arrived at another unknown place. We stopped by the CU mart to topup our T-money and start looking for another bus that gonna take us right to Pocheon city. We were kinda lost since we don't know what bus to ride and we tried asking people around there but sadly they can't really understand us. So we had to read whatever word in hangul on the notice board at the bus stop and also had to translate them using google translate. We did go back and forth from one bus stop to another opposite bus stop to make sure the route to Pocheon Art Valley is correct. Sumpah opening gila masa ni dan rasa nak give up.

With 50-50 percent confidence, we picked up the bus and start the journey again. I don't really remember how minutes was the ride, but we decided to get down on the side road that has a signboard that mentioned our destiny. So yeah why not just proceed with it. We were so sure about it but turned out we had to walk over around another 45 minutes to really arrive at that place. Luckily the weather wasn't that hot or else I might pass from dehydration!

We actually took the wrong bus! That one went straight to the center of Pocheon city I guess but tak masuk ke kawasan yang menuju ke Pocheon Art Valley. Benda dah jadi so kami proceed berjalan sampai ke penghujung jalan dan finally jumpa ke tempat yang dicari. Fuhh nasib baik. Bila dah lepas entrance tu aduhai nak kena hiking pulak sebab jalan berbukit. Ahh pasrah! Nasib baik ada bawak air untuk minum. 

Pocheon Art Valley got so many things to offer. With beautiful scenery and cafe, arts and sculptures, walking trails, and spiral stairs, it's the reason why the place has become so famous and a must-visit place when coming to Seoul and Pocheon. 

Since we tried to cut costs and save more money, we refused to take the monorail but took a walk and wander around instead. We went straight to the famous Cheonjoho Lake where the Korean Odyssey and Legend of The Blue Sea has filmed there. The view was stunning and very pure!

Other than the famous lake, there is also an Astronomical Science Centre, Sculpture Park, Sky Park aka observation deck, and a cafe. My favorite place to chill is Sky Park cause from the top I can see the beautiful nature view that calms the stressful heart. Gitu. Serious ah. That moment when the warm breeze blows on my face after exhausting yet exciting journey, I feel like my soul is dancing from the happiness. Somehow I can't believe I was there. Absolutely feel like magic!

Another thing that I love is the forest trails going down from the top next to the cafe. Strolling around before going back is so much fun. If you were to come here, make sure you wear a suitable outfit and drink water. I gotta say Pocheon Art Valley is such a perfect gateway for the weekend. 

05 June 2022

Namsan Seoul Tower is one of the most famous places to visit in South Korea and I can't believe I finally made a memory over there with my best friend. I used to obsess the place from KDrama and always imagine myself being there surrounded by all the love locks. Definitely visualize some romantic scene like accidentally meeting my seoul-mate but in reality, I didn't meet anyone except enjoying myself with the view, the colorful love locks, and catching myself a breath after a long journey to the top. 

The journey I made with my best friend was priceless. Without any preparation and complete information, we took a bus there after a quick reading bout guide to Namsan Tower on Google. It was a bit confusing but we made it. The journey by bus took almost one hour to arrive and when we got there, I was absolutely bewitched. The nature, the people, the tower, the feeling of disbelief of myself finally stepping my foot in a place where I keep watching in KDrama, it felt magical. 

Namsan Tower is stunning especially the view of the mountain and visible Seoul scenery from the top. I have never been to a place like that, so I was so sakai. We went there during winter and the weather was quite cold but still bearable. I truly hope it will snow but sadly I have no luck catching my first fresh snow.

There were so many people around there, especially the local people. I was kind of surprising cause most of those elderly were up to doing hiking activities with friends. Yes most of them were probably in their late 60's or 70's or could be the 80's. I can't believe myself cause taking a stroll over the road there is tiring enough. How did they have so much energy for hiking? 

If I were to come to Seoul again, I will surely come to Namsan Seoul Tower again because.. why not? Instead of coming as a tourist, I wanna try to come like a local doing all the fun activities like hiking or just chilling around instead of admiring the love locks and the view. Just chilling around enjoying the KDrama vibes. Who knows I might meet my seoul-mate? Thereee you go again.

18 June 2021

haneul park seoul

This travelogue is rather sad and disappointing, but still worth the memories. I remember everything on that day -- the warm breeze, the sunny day, the worn-out map, the sweats that wet us from top to bottom and the thrill feelings. Sangat bernasib baik sebab hari tak hujan. Haneul Park merupakan salah satu tempat famous di Seoul dan hari sebelumnya Ajija dengan aku dah plan nak ke sana untuk photoshoot ala-ala macam dalam cerita korea. Tapi sayangnya hmm...

Keesokannya kami pun bangun awal dan bersiap sedia untuk ke destinasi yang diinginkan. Perjalanan dari Daeso ke Seoul mengambil masa selama satu jam. Bas akan berhenti dekat Gangbyeon Station (Dongseoul Bus Terminal) dan dari Gangbyeon kami guna subway (Line 6) untuk ke World Cup Station. Maka bermulalah perjalanan kami mencari dimanakah Haneul Park sebenarnya. Jalan punya jalan, kesana kemari, akhirnya sampai juga ke destinasi yang betul. We were kinda lost trying to find the right place. Nasib baik ada bawak air. World Cup Station ibarat pintu gerbang. Dalam sana ada 4 lagi park berlainan yang kami tak sempat nak lawat.

haneul park seoul

Voila. The picture says it all! Tak sangka ada surprise lain rupanya. Tangga membunuh. Ada 425 steps all the way up to Haneul Park. Jangankan 425 steps, yang tak sampai 10 steps pun dah semput macam apa. Nasib baik ada bekal air mineral. Kalau tak confirm mati dulu sebelum sempat naik atas. Penat tak boleh bawak bincang.

Nama lain untuk Haneul Park adalah Sky Park. Dulu tempat longgokan sampah tapi sekarang dah glow-up ditumbuhi lalang lalang bernama Eulalia yang cantik. View dari atas sumpah cantik. Hilang segala penat, duka dan lara. 

Tapi sayangnya (sambungan dari perenggan atas sekali), lalang Eulalia cuma mekar pada musim luruh sahaja. Aku dan Ajija pulak datang pada musim bunga aka spring season maka yang ada cumalah padang jarak padang terkukur. This frustration truly feels like a betrayal. Nasib baik still worth untuk photoshoot walaupun tak ada Eulalia.

I really love it here especially the view and the fresh air. Tak pasti sungai apakah itu tapi rasanya Han River. Since there's no Eulalia, we just wandered around, menikmati suasana dan snap whatever gambar yang kami rasa cantik. Tak banyak orang jadi kami menggila sendiri.

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