From the category: journal

26 September 2023

blog setup blogging

The weather today is extremely cozy to the point of making me wanting to lay down on my bed and wrap myself in the velvety super comfy blanket. I keep yawning endlessly! The cold breeze, the sound of the raindrops and the humming melody of the car on the wet street, damn so perfect. Living in Malaysia, the weather are mainly hot and humid all the time, so when it rains, its like winning a lottery. Everyone will be happy and gratitude feelings are thrown away like a confetti.

I am much happier with my blog setup now. The color shade, the theme itself, it's warm and feels like even more a safe place to spill my thoughts. I have made few changes especially in the categories section which is fully inspired from other blogger and I love it! Here what you can browse around if you ever stumbled upon my tiny little site.

Little Joys — Mainly focus on my gratitude list and will be update every Friday.

Serene Sunday — Let's chill and spill everything from the brain inbox before you forget kind of day.

Travel — I love travel and I gotta write where I left my footsteps for the sake of memories.

Books — Sharing session about books I have read.

Journal — Daily diarium of what I did, what I feel etc.

Musing O'Clock — The aftermath of self-reflection.

Foodgasm — Foods and foods!

Self-Care Center — Grouping everything here; haircare, skincare and any personal care stuff.

100 Tips — Sharing the tips and hacks that is tested and personally approved.

Playlist — Sometimes I forgot what is once my favourite music, thus why this section exist.

I will try my best to commit on the writing as blogging used to be one of my hobby. It has been almost 15 years since I start blogging for the first time. I never stick to one name and keep changing them severely. I named this blog 0029am; a letter to life because I often drowning in thoughts at midnight and have a trouble to sleep, and yeah, it's where the idea come from. This blog probably will be here even after 10 years and by that time I will go down memory lane to read how was my life before. The reminisce moments would definitely be priceless. Till here then!  

25 September 2023

It's Monday, the most hated day among the others. Monday isn't fair and absolute cheater. It's way too far from Friday yet Friday is very close to Monday. How is it possible? Well, it was a good day after all except that there was no sunset. The cloud is hiding it from me. I spent the evening going for a run from 6pm to 7pm and I am trying to make it a routine which I already started the previous week. 

I decided to pick up this new habit when a massive sense of guilt for eating more than I should have been haunting me. I started doing the calorie-deficit diet last December and stopped the routine in May and it has been on hiatus for almost 4 months. Damn, I have lost almost 10kg during that time and gain another 5kg now. It's very frustrating how my effort has gone to waste due to my own silly mistake. How could I say no to food when everything seems to comfort me more than anything? :')

Glad the realization kicked in fast before it's too late. I never want to go back to my previous weight so whatever it is, I really need to push myself again this time. Cutting off the endless snacks, the sugary drinks, and portioning my meals correctly. I did this before and I will do it again.

The thing that makes me happy and proud of myself today is I managed to do the circle run twice without stopping. Been pushing myself all the way till I reach the finish line. For someone quite heavy like me, running is damn exhausting and such a pain in the ass hence that little achievement is enough to make me feel content and over the moon. Yeay!

Of yellow flowers, purple flowers, pink flowers, and the waxing gibbous moon. Monday is a happy day. Till here then!

24 September 2023

que sera, sera

It's almost the end of the year and I am feeling frustrated with myself more than ever. This blog is still empty. The domain was supposed to be out in June since I am planning to completely resign from this blogging world but apparently, the domain has been renewed automatically for two freaking years by the domain hosting company that I subscribed to. I don't want to continue it actually but I guess this blog still wants me to be part of it so yeah, I will try to start writing again and turn this blog alive and not dead.

Life has been pretty good despite a few times I feel like drowning. The act of appreciating and embracing the little things around me has changed me a lot. It calms the endless chaos in my entire body and keeps my sanity intact. I love staring at the blue skies more than ever now. At the same time, I will play a little search-a-rainbow game and it levels up my dopamine whenever I spot one. It makes me realize that we actually don't need much to make our happy hormones go crazy, instead, we need to be grateful and cherish whatever is in front of us. It is the greatest source of happiness and a peaceful mind. Seek no more.

I'm turning 30 real soon which is unbelievable how fast time flies. I am wondering what the future holds for me; will it be good or will it be another bad series? I know I'm not supposed to worry about it for everything has been written for us but life kinda scares me. It's full of surprises. You don't know if you will laugh your head off or cry your heart out. But yeah, que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.

I will try my best to make another update soon. I have *ahem* a good feeling about it this time. Till here then, bye! 

26 April 2023

kampung lajong niah

I gotta say this time I had fun celebrating hari raya. Usually, to be honest, I don't feel anything about it all. I'm just celebrating it simply because everyone is doing so. I have my personal reason which I can't mention here but hey, selamat hari raya, everyone!

I had the chance to spend one whole day going out with Nisa and her entire family on the third hari raya. She's been my best friend since primary school and we are simply a non-biological sister for more than 10 years dah. So following the time yang ditetapkan oleh abah nisa, me and my sister went to their home around 10am, we gathered there and start our journey to Kampung Lajong Niah. Rasanya around sejam lebih juak lah perjalanan. I'm not sure sebab macam biasa as a backseat passenger, kerjanya hanyalah tidur sahaja. Plus i still have my migraine so yeah i'd rather sit quietly.

But we did stop at perumahan area sungai rait first before heading straight to Niah. The weather was dark and gloomy and it rained heavily but we managed to survive going out of the car and running into the home of Nisa pun cousin. Baruk sigek rumah dah lebur gais. Stokin basah (not mine ofc), baju basah, makeup pun menyenyeh (betul sik mek eja tok?). Makan minum makan minum chit chat dan tibalah masa untuk berangkat ke destinasi seterusnya. Guess what? I dapat angpau 2 keping uolls. Alhamdulillah still entitled to get it walaupun hakikatnya dah maok masok 3 series kekeke.

kuala sibuti sarawak

Sampai ke Kampung Lajong Niah, sambung lagik makan minum makan dan minum. We visited two houses dan kemudiannya bergerak ke Kampung Kuala Sibuti. The journey also took around one hour maybe. The place really got a genuine kampung vibe and I gotta say i love it especially bila tengok all the lampu raya yang meriah gilak. It was my first time experiencing beraya di kampung ya so I am amazed by their creativity doing the decorations. Untuk penggemar seafood especially udang galah, this place is for you. It's one of the place yang famous dengan menu udang galah. 

kampung kuala sibuti

The photo above is a piece of evidence that I didn't lie when I say their lampu raya is freaking meriah and mesmerizing. For more evidence boleh tengok sitok HERE. I suka tengok lampu and yes I super love it when it sparkles everywhere. So dekat sitok we went to few houses and seriously my tummy has reached the limit. Mabuk dah rasa minum soda dari kaler oren ke kaler gadong ke kaler kalas haih macam macam kaler lah. But I didn't get bored makan the biskut raya. One thing about hari raya is i love most of the snacks yang dihidang atas meja. Makmur tanpa kacang and popia are my favourites! Yes I am pure Sarawakian tapi says bukan penggemar kek lapis so yeah I don't eat much of it kecuali the one made of horlick. Yums!

Honestly, I had fun with them. Surprisingly few of their cousins know my dad. Jadi siklah rasa terasing gilak beraya dengan family orang lain kan kekeke. I know my gambar is buruk but what can I do, I lupak mok ambik proper photos for blog post. Til here then, selamat hari raya!

18 April 2023

life update
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Lamak gila dah sik bukak blog tok. Kamek rasa mun blog tok sebuah rumah, confirm dah jadi salah satu property yang berhantu. Life has been good lately (ada juak yang not good but i choose to be blind and deaf about it hehe). Banyak yang mok diceritakan thus why im back here. Harap idea penulisan ya sentiasa ada jak lah. Lelah juak mun mala kenak writer's block. Padahal bukan cerita rekaan tapi susahnya mok polah ayat rasa macam jawab kertas spm jak heheh.

I'm going to update about my travel journey to Jogjakarta and Surabaya, my personal growth progress, books I've finished reading, my thoughts about uncertainty and other things which i ada update the quick version on instagram, about what's going on with my life (i ada kenak scam abam pulis uolls) and everything that I could remember. Banyak juak yang mok di share dalam blog yet i don't know why i couldn't make it until here. 

I am writing this while listening to lofi playlist and its already midnight. A new day has started. Raya is just around the corner. And its already mid-april. Phew lajunya masa. I gotta fill my days with more good things, more positive things, and just everything good. Though I know its impossible to be happy and feel good all the time, but its not a crime to try my best kan. Sikkan lah mok sedih ajak. Boringnya hidup. Sik dapat polah real outdoor activities, sik apa. Kita camping online, berbasikal online, mandik sungai online and so on hahah. This year I really wanna spend more time with nature and do more outdoor activities. Tapi sik ada geng. I need a new circle but how? Ada ka yang maok kawan dengan amateur macam saya tok? What a sad question!

It's okay. I will try to figure it out myself later. Jangan jak mood introvert datang balit. Bukan main jak semangat kelak dah diajak benar alu rasa menyesal. Biasaaaa diaaa. Tapi hakikatnya seketul introvert memang macam ya. But I'm trying to change myself at least lah to ambivert. Middle range homosapiens. Till here then. x

03 December 2022

I no longer want to correct people. Even though they might be right or wrong, I will not say anything and just gonna keep my mouth shut. I am hated for correcting people when I know they are doing something incorrectly. I have been told as someone who thinks I am perfect enough that I can fix their mistakes. That was absolutely not the truth and I never said that I am perfect. But just because I spit out the truth, I become the toxic person.

It makes me think again whether my action is toxic or if they are the ones who are toxic and refused to admit their mistakes. It reminds me of being gaslighted and that my words are being twisted and manipulated. Knowing that I might experience the same thing again and gonna trigger my trauma, I decided to leave the thoughts alone. I definitely not and don't want to be in the trap again.

I'm glad the Wednesday film is out and grateful that I spend my time watching it. I've learned something from the main character. Don't give a fuck about people and just do your things. Let them do whatever they want as long as they don't break into your privacy. Well, I think that is clever enough how to deal with humans. I also realized that talking to people like that actually won't affect them and I am just wasting my time trying to fix or correct others.

Rather than having a stupid argument and putting me in agony while the other side is being effortless, I might just do the same and ignore the ignorance. That's it. I hope I can be more resilient and adapt to my new character traits. I don't want to deal with humans anymore. I will just do me and let them do theirs. Enough.

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Follow Me on Instagram @theportablemagik


a letter to life. Theme by STS.