Lost On The Way To Pocheon Art Valley

pocheon art valley

It was my friend's idea to visit the Pocheon Art Valley. We have planned about it one day earlier, again, without any full information bout how to go there, which bus to ride, etc. We woke up around six in the morning, getting ready and feeling enthusiastic enough to start our journey out of Seoul. Pocheon Art Valley was actually an old abandoned rock quarry that has turned into a park where you can wander around and enjoy the breathtaking scenery from that place. It's a home devoted to art and culture and the greatness of nature. 

I barely can recall our journey but as far as I could remember, we took a bus somewhere from the heart of Seoul to this one place probably Myeongdong or Dongdaemun and arrived at another unknown place. We stopped by the CU mart to topup our T-money and start looking for another bus that gonna take us right to Pocheon city. We were kinda lost since we don't know what bus to ride and we tried asking people around there but sadly they can't really understand us. So we had to read whatever word in hangul on the notice board at the bus stop and also had to translate them using google translate. We did go back and forth from one bus stop to another opposite bus stop to make sure the route to Pocheon Art Valley is correct. Sumpah opening gila masa ni dan rasa nak give up.

With 50-50 percent confidence, we picked up the bus and start the journey again. I don't really remember how minutes was the ride, but we decided to get down on the side road that has a signboard that mentioned our destiny. So yeah why not just proceed with it. We were so sure about it but turned out we had to walk over around another 45 minutes to really arrive at that place. Luckily the weather wasn't that hot or else I might pass from dehydration!

We actually took the wrong bus! That one went straight to the center of Pocheon city I guess but tak masuk ke kawasan yang menuju ke Pocheon Art Valley. Benda dah jadi so kami proceed berjalan sampai ke penghujung jalan dan finally jumpa ke tempat yang dicari. Fuhh nasib baik. Bila dah lepas entrance tu aduhai nak kena hiking pulak sebab jalan berbukit. Ahh pasrah! Nasib baik ada bawak air untuk minum. 

Pocheon Art Valley got so many things to offer. With beautiful scenery and cafe, arts and sculptures, walking trails, and spiral stairs, it's the reason why the place has become so famous and a must-visit place when coming to Seoul and Pocheon. 

Since we tried to cut costs and save more money, we refused to take the monorail but took a walk and wander around instead. We went straight to the famous Cheonjoho Lake where the Korean Odyssey and Legend of The Blue Sea has filmed there. The view was stunning and very pure!

Other than the famous lake, there is also an Astronomical Science Centre, Sculpture Park, Sky Park aka observation deck, and a cafe. My favorite place to chill is Sky Park cause from the top I can see the beautiful nature view that calms the stressful heart. Gitu. Serious ah. That moment when the warm breeze blows on my face after exhausting yet exciting journey, I feel like my soul is dancing from the happiness. Somehow I can't believe I was there. Absolutely feel like magic!

Another thing that I love is the forest trails going down from the top next to the cafe. Strolling around before going back is so much fun. If you were to come here, make sure you wear a suitable outfit and drink water. I gotta say Pocheon Art Valley is such a perfect gateway for the weekend. 

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