Tandem Paragliding In KKB, Selangor

kuala kubu bharu selangor

I don't know what has gotten into me but I've been craving for some adrenaline-rush activities lately. Mungkin pembawaan umur dah nak masuk 30 kot hahaha. I didn't get a chance to do much of outdoor activities during my twenties so I guess it's not too late to start the adventure is it? It's only the beginning.

As soon we were back from Indonesia, my father decides to stay for three days in Kuala Lumpur before heading back to Sarawak. I was thinking about what kind of thing I could do in KL other than window shopping? Cause duh, it's obviously boring since I'm not a shopping person. Unless ada benda dicarik then I will go for mall-hopping. My heart is telling me to try tandem paragliding since I saw a lot of videos about that thing on TikTok. I did some research about how far is the place from KL, how much would it cost, and what things I need in order to be there and challenge myself.

So I asked my siblings, do they wanna join me for some adventure? Luckily they said yes. Mun sik  hurm berhuhu jaklah aku. If dekat I will definitely go alone but since it's too far I'm a bit scared to do it solo. Takut sesat ke tempat lain lol. I am afraid of heights and I am always scared to try new things. But this time, I'm proud of myself sebab berjaya overcoming my fears. *patting myself* Tandem paragliding is one of the most adventurous things I have ever done and I manage to secure it before I'm turning 30 hihi. Bucketlist checked!

The Booking Process

Before heading to KKB (Kuala Kubu Bharu), I already booked a slot for 5 pax at 1030am with pihak KKB Paragliding. The number is provided on their page and its easy to deal with them. Great service, no hassle at all. 

The Waiting Game

We arrived early at Taman Millenium and we have to wait a bit lama lah. Once all the certified pilot has come, everything is prepared, make bermulalah perjalanan ke atas bukit. Me and my cousin were so excited that we decide to jump over the truck and duduk di belakang, ignoring the scorching hot sun. Damn panas lit lit tapi demi secebis pengalaman, redah aje. Once in a lifetime kan. Rentung pun rentung lah. Sampai je dekat atas memang sah lah macam sakai. Photoshoot sana photoshoot sini sambil tunggu turn sebab ada another adrenaline junkie yang slot awal. I was damn excited and nervous at the same time. 

tandem paragliding

Flying In The Sky

My certified pilot is abang napi. I'm glad that I don't feel awkward with him walaupun hakikatnya pemalu nauzubillah. But I made it for real! It's a chilling activity actually. Kena lari sikit je sebelum terbang but the running process was quite funny. Nasib bait crocs amek sik tercabut hahah. Gliding over the beautiful view under the bright blue sky, it's priceless. Never did I feel regret daring myself to do this thing. Awalnya tenang ribut jiwa rupanya ada yang simpan dendam. I made a mistake asking abang napi to do the spin. He asked me, nak ke? And I freaking said yes! Sebab macam sik best lah kan rilek chilling macam ya ajak. So I dare myself for the spin. And that was a huge mistake!

No wonder lah the spin ni di buat time dah nak landing. I was screaming like there's no tomorrow when my certified pilot did the spin like he wanted to throw me off the ground from that ketinggian entah berapa meter entah. Of course it was fun but i terus pening and rasa mok muntah. Like seriously i feel like vomiting. I diam sekejap sebab if i talked, confirm uwekkk. And guess what he said after that? Hah ambik nak sangat spin kan. Rasalahhh. Fine can't blame him pun cause I request it myself. Padan muka.

tandem paragliding spin

My Verdict

I truly enjoyed the activity. It's worth the money, time and nyawa lol. Cause you never know when bad things can happen is it. But there's nothing to worry about since everything will be handled by the pilot themselves. We just need to follow the guide as per told, run don't jump, and just sit back and enjoy the view. Yang nak acah acah healing tu this activity tersangatlah sesuai. Ko buat buat lupa je ada pilot kat belakang haha. Healing lah engko sorang sorang.

Everything went smoothly. Will I repeat this tandem paragliding? Absolute yes cuma aku sikmaok request spin agik. Mok chill ajak. Jerak amek eh berpusing-pusing atas ya. One thing that I dislike is holding the gopro stick. Sumpah penat tangan nak menahan. Tapi demi sebuah memori di langit, maka terpaksalah kuat kan tangan no matter what.

Tandem Paragliding KKB Details

  • 1 - 2 pax (RM280 seorang)
  • 3 - 5 pax (RM260 seorang)
  • 6 pax and above (RM250 seorang)

*Flat rate on weekdays - RM25O

Package included:
  • Full equipment
  • Video during flight (GoPro)
  • Transportation to take off (4x4)
  • Internal protection coverage
  • Flight duration 5 - 10 mins (subject to weather)

More details boleh tengok dekat page mereka okay. Run bestie! Book your slot!

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