
Hello, I'm Aika. A Sarawakian blogger and a free spirit in the pursuit of simplifying life and finding serenity. 
00:29am - a letter to life is a little space for me to document my life and everything in between. Be mindful that every writing, thought, and opinion is personally mine. I write for myself not to impress anyone but somehow I hope whoever stumbled upon this precious site will enjoy their stay. 

A little fact about me -- I love books, little things, the smell of earth after rain, coffee, ice cream, going to places, nature, skies, flowers, foods, cats, crystals, the smell of fresh laundry, kinder bueno and just anything and everything that could give me a little joy. ❤︎


diarium - life events, experiences & memories

foodgasm - anything about the yummsss

travel - of where I left my footsteps

personal growth - progress of my wellness and road to a quality life

books - thoughts and review about the book I've read

Keep In Touch
Follow Me on Instagram @USERNAME


00:29am · a letter to life. Theme by STS.