The Woman Before Me Review

the woman before me

It’s sad but crazy at the same time or should I say it’s crazy but sad?

I just finished this book in one sitting yeay. It is The Woman Before Me by Natalia Aivy Dibit. Rasanya macam first time baca novel melayu yang genre psycho-thriller. Gotta say the lovey dovey part is a bit cringey padahal dialogue biasa jak pun. Tak biasa letteww.

But heres my honest review. I love the plot of the story. Intrigued enough and buat i keep on wanting to read the next page. Mok gilak tauk apa sebenarnya yang terjadi in that big house and with all the people especially to Tracy. Baca punya baca ternyata the truth is quite shocking. Like i did not expect any of it kecuali part main female character. Sampai begitu sekali penangannyaa.. Mary pulak menyakitkan hati bikin geram but ada few scenes quite funny, like eh whats this lady punya masalah eh? Oh rupa-rupanya ada sesuatu disebalik ke-annoying-an-nya. Actually ada few more scenes that will make you go “eh wait what?”, “jap jap what actually happened?”, “eh bodohnya perempuan tok..”.

I didnt read the synopsis jadi my brain work a little harder berfikir ‘why and how’ all the way through the book. I have no idea buku tok pasal apa but just a bit crumb ‘basah ketiak tunggu next part’ dari posting penulis. My curiosity rising at its best and i do love penulisan yang macam tok. It takes me on a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s sad but crazy at the same time or should i say its crazy but sad? Demi keinginan ada jak manusia yang sanggup buat benda yang sik sepatutnya. 

Overall, I enjoy reading the book! First sebab sik membosankan. Once you read terus rasa mok habiskan terus jak. Tak menyabar betolll. Second sebab psycho-thriller is one of my fav book genre.

─── .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ─── 

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